20 Shop Reviews
product selection* 14K Pink Gold [Custom Made] 14k yellow gold [custom made] ---------------- (+$88.1) 18K Pink Gold [Custom Made] (+$88.1)
Birthstone selection* January Garnet February Amethyst March Aquamarine April cubic May Emerald June Moonstone july ruby August peridot September Sapphire October Opal November Lapis Lazuli ★November birthstone★ december turquoise
line thickness upgrade 14k 0.2 thickness-42cm [built-in] (+$43.51) 18k 0.2 thickness-42cm [built-in] (+$63.09) 14k 0.3 thickness-42cm [built-in] (+$85.93) 18k 0.3 thickness-42cm [built-in] (+$125.09)
chain length extension ┏----1.5 inch thick-----┓ 14K 0.15 thickness 1cm (+$2.18) 18K 0.15 thickness 1cm (+$3.26) ┏----In case of 2-poon thickness upgrade-----┓ 14K 0.2 thickness 1cm (+$3.26) 18K 0.2 thickness 1cm (+$5.44) ┏----In case of 3-poon thickness upgrade-----┓ 14K 0.3 thickness 1cm (+$4.35) 18K 0.3 thickness 1cm (+$6.53)
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