[Carbis-Kavis] Carbis Waxing Warmer Set Multi-functional warmer self-Brazilian waxing wax and waxing hair removal warmer that warms containers of various materials.
green cosmetics
US Facial Hair Removal No.1 Wax & Waxing Refill 28g 8EA 2 Weeks Easy to clean eyebrows by waxing eyebrows once a week! OK for philtrum and eyebrows Use all parts of the face Self-Brazilian waxing waxing product/hair removal cream
green cosmetics
US Facial Hair Removal No.1 Wax & Waxing Refill 28g 5EA 2 Weeks Easy to clean eyebrows by waxing eyebrows once a week! OK for philtrum and eyebrows Use all parts of the face Self-Brazilian waxing waxing product/hair removal cream
L'Oreal Professional Techniat Fix Max Strong Gel 200ml
[Iancell] Real De-Wrinkle Effect Cream 100ml
[Iancell] Real Velvet Sleeping Pack 100ml
[Iancell] Real Double Barrier Cream 100ml
[Iancell] Intensive Advanced Calming Gel 100ml
[Iancell] Pore Refine Sooth Decon Gel 100ml (formerly Perfect Anti Swelling Decon Gel)
green cosmetics
Hand&Foot 99859
Aveda Smooth Infusion Heat Styling Cream 150ml
green cosmetics
US Natural Wax No.1 [Wax & Waxing 226g + Stick 14g] Use on all parts of the body! Easily and easily depilate! From face, arms and legs to armpits/bikini line ~ Self Brazilian waxing waxing product/hair removal cream
green cosmetics
Wax & Waxing 226g*2 U.S. Natural Wax No.1 Epilation agent for all parts of the body Easy and easy waxing From face, arms and legs to armpits/bikini line ~ Self Brazilian waxing waxing product/hair removal cream